Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Against Such There Is No Law

By now, it should come as no surprise to you that Figgins and I tend to focus on the more upbeat aspects of life. And, you've probably noticed that's particularly true around Christmas. It seems that's become more challenging in recent years, with folks battling over Christmas being celebrated in the workplace or in the public square or questioning the political correctness of wishing someone what's in your heart ... "Merry Christmas!" However, I think there's a better approach than some take, who claim there is "A War on Christmas".

Don't get me wrong. I'm a man of faith. I accept the first four Words of the Bible ... "In the beginning, God" ... so, from there, the Truth of the Scriptures fall into place pretty easily for me. I, clearly, see the point of those who say there's "A War Against Christmas". I just think there's a better and more Scriptural, approach than starting a shouting match with those who see things differently than I do.

Figgins and I saw a great example of this alternative approach, during the past week, right here in our town. We thought it was an especially fitting example because it took place at a public school. This particular school is one set aside to serve a selected population of K-5 students with serious emotional and behavioral problems. It seems that a local church has made it a practice to provide Christmas presents for the students at this school ... every student at the school ... and, typically, there are multiple gifts for each student. Moreover, the gifts are not just "a little something that was picked up from the mark-down table at the Dollar Store". These are quality items, such as winter coats and shoes, to fill needs that the church learned about through the student's teachers. Just this is remarkably wonderful but what we found to be most remarkable was that no one seems to know the name of the church involved. But then you must consider, maybe recognition isn't their goal. The goals The Scriptures direct Christians to seek include love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance. Clearly, the church involved here is following that direction.

So, where does this fit in with "A War on Christmas"? You've got a bunch of Christians doing "Christmas stuff" at a public school, for Heaven's sake! Why no battling, shouting matches, etc. to prevent this? I think the answer is obvious. Actually, its one of those instances where you answer a question with another question ... one of common sense ... Who would want to prevent something this wonderful from happening?! In fact, the very Scripture that tells the Christian about love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance; also answers this question. It tells us, "Against such there is no law."

So, with that said, Figgie, Ruth (Figgie's "Mom") and I are encouraged that we can get away with saying to you all ...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

“No kidding Gary. That is so cool. It would be pretty hard for the public to object to giving gifts to every child at a school. What a great way to show the love of God to our community.

Merry Christmas my friend.

Sam Mikel